Announcing 2020 Guest - David Adkins


David Adkins headshot

David Adkins is the author of riveting titles such as the "Sons of Solistar" Series, "Hotel Nowhere," "Demon in the Threshold," and "We Were Gods." His book, "Hotel Nowhere," is currently being written as a script for a film, and he is busy getting prepared for budgeting. David is also a game designer for an upcoming game, "BOUNTY!!," which was developed for an upcoming book and comic.

David has been a guest at over 100 conventions across the East Coast and is host of The 3ducators podcast. With two nominations for awards in writing and his ten years of convention panels, David has had many experiences that many would never believe possible, but he doesn't let that stop him from creating more stories and panels to entertain the audiences he continuously discovers!

For more on David Adkins, check out his Facebook page and come meet him at Kigacon 2020!